Professional diamond wire saw manufacturers Tel:+86-13978317068

Develop the best products, provide satisfactory service, adhere to innovation, creating the world brand",This is our pursuit of business objectives.

Quality Assurance and Services

We guarantee that the products we offer are all new products. Each product meets China's national standards and customer needs.


Delivery instructions

We deliver strictly in the order and time specified in the contract.All products will be required by contract to get ready. In accordance with customer specified mode of transport delivery to the designated location. In case of other force majeure leading to delays, we will promptly communicate consultation with the client.


Technical Services

We provide our business partners with key opportunities to build their knowledge and expertise about our products to ensure your customers are provided the right product, to keep them up and running under the most demanding circumstances. 


Product accessories

We have enough inventory of product accessories.Always meet customer demand for product accessories



After-sales service

  • Telphone

+86 773—5824811


  • Guarantee period:

One year , from the date of purchase.(Wearing parts and man-made damage is not within the scope of the warranty)